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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Week Ten

This week I got hit with a cold. I tried to stave it off, but it was relentless. In some ways, I think training helps the cold to go away, but it's harder to get going at first. I had only one day of slacking this week. Friday night, I had planned to swim. But, I had my cold, and it was in the 30's, and I was feeling sniffly and head-achy, and I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I was proud of the rest of the week's training though. My ride to Davenport had a lot of headwinds on the way there, and oddly enough, not a lot of tailwinds on the way back. I tried to focus on spinning at 90 rpm as much as I could. I really pushed myself on the run afterwards because my first mile was really sluggish. I ran the first mile as a 12 minute mile, the second as a 10:30 mile, and the third as a 9:30 mile. I was really proud to be able to increase my speed that much after riding for 90 minutes. I wonder if that will feel possible after riding for 7 - 8 hours?

Today's coached workout was the first time the pool was set up for 50 meter laps. It was MUCH harder to do it that way, and I was pretty tired coming out of there. I should have had an electrolyte drink before the run, but I just had water, and I really felt it on the run. I need to remember that for future bricks.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Spin 60 minutes
Wednesday: Track Workout (5 miles)
Thursday: Spin 45 minutes
Friday: Probably should have done something, but used my cold as an excuse.
Saturday: Biked to Davenport and back (90 minutes), ran 3 miles
Sunday: Swam for about an hour and forty minutes, then ran 40 with the team'

Body Check: The knee pain still isn't entirely gone. It's not awful, and doesn't bother me when I run or cycle, but it bothers me when I bend down to pick something up. I'm wondering if it's becoming a big deal or not, now that it's been a month or more. The back is getting tight. It is definitely NOT painful, but definitely tight in the area it used to hurt. Besides the current cold, everything else is A-OK!

Total Fundraising to date: $1,941


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