Week Twenty
This was vacation week, and I got a great chance to catch up on sleep and really work on kicking my cold. It was great! For the most part, my workouts were normal. I got to go to a few extra swimming sessions at Simpkins, and I learn so much every time I go.
This weekend was pretty hardcore. Well, Saturday wasn't that bad, actually. I took a 90 minute swim class at Simpkins (lots of speedwork), did some strength work with Kim and Nicole out on the lawn, and then ran with them for 7 miles. At least I'm being consistent for my distance running - I ended up running about 11 minute miles.
I tried getting a good night's sleep the night before today's workout, but we had a wind and rain storm so strong and scary that my dog pushed her way under my covers and was shaking with fear. In that time I lay awake, trying to calm her down, I thought of the weather, and how we were going to be training in that the very next morning.
Little did I know how much I needed to have a good night sleep that night: The whole workout lasted longer than my chip time for the San Diego Marathon! We started out at 8 in the morning in the pool. I was glad to see that it was set up for long course, because I know I have to work so much harder that way. For the most part, the swimming went just fine. It was raining, but I think that probably affected the coach's on the deck more than us in the pool. We were introduced to a new funny drill, which, well wasn't that funny to me. Our coach put 8 of us in one lane. To practice an ironman swim start, we were instructed that we had to keep passing each other (and letting others pass) as we swam 4 X 50s. The first time, I felt strong enough to pull ahead and pass, but I kept getting pushed to the side of the lane and had no space at all to get past. The second time, it was the same thing. Still no success in passing as I was getting pushed into the side, and I could barely even move. The third time, I felt my strength and courage was leaving me. I'm so claustrophobic and it was so challenging to get through. It was such an uncomfortable experience, both physically and emotionally (the idea of not succeeding). In all of my training so far, as hard as things have been, as cold or uncomfortable as things have been, I have not ever come close to crying. But, on this rinky-dink drill, I could feel my lip quivering, and I really thought I was going to lose it. I had one more chance. I seeded myself right in the middle of the clump so that there was no chance of me getting pushed to the side. We started to go. I saw two pairs of feet kicking in front of me. (Do you know how scary it is to swim towards kicking feet?) I put my hands out to just claim a couple of inches of space between the two swimmers, and started to pull ahead. There was a lot of bodies overlapping, and some pushing and kicking (each other), but I pulled through and passed them! I still have a long way to go with comfort of crowds in the water, but at least it was a start!
After swimming for about 2 hours, we got changed for the next part of the workout. Because of the rain, we all set up our bikes on trainers in the boys locker room. It was wet and stinky, but everyone's spirits were good. We were informed of the plan: we were going to spin for 30 minutes, then run for 15 minutes, then do strength training. THEN, we were going to repeat those things 3 times total.
Our first spinning workout of the day lasted for 30 minutes and was lead by Dan. We did a lot of fast spins (up to a cadence of 110), including some one-legged drills. He worked us hard! Then, we quickly changed into our running shoes and went out into the rain to run on the track. We alternated 400m runs between level 5 and level 7, and I was able to keep a solid 10 minuter per mile pace. I got 6 laps in before it was time for strength. We did 3 sets of: 15 squats, 15 pushups, 15 burpees, and 15 crunches. Yes, 3 sets of those. I have to say that I was pushed so hard that I felt like my head was spinning, but I told myself what I always tell myself when it's hard (that I'm developing mental toughness, and I'm doing this because I want to cross the finish line). On the way back into the locker room to get our bike shoes back on, I couldn't help but notice that I was smiling. Hm....
Our second spinning set was lead by Mike, and included some simulated hill work, and getting out of the saddle, and sprints. People were still in good spirits; lots of good laughs and moods despite the smelly conditions! When this 30 minute spin set was over, we put our wet running shoes on again and went out to the track, this time alternating 400m at level 5 and 800 m at level 7. I took my running seriously, trying to get faster on every level 7 lap, and I succeeded, within a few seconds. As I was finishing my last lap, I saw coach Dan, waiting for us with those elastic bands on the ground. These are bands that you can put around your arms or ankles to do various things that just make you want to scream! We did a lot of arm work and leg work with them before it was time to.... get back on the bike.
So, back in that stinky locker room, we were spinning again. This time we focused again on fast cadences and we also did some more simulated hill work. Knowing it was the last spin of the workout, I gave it all I could. My legs felt like they were made of rubber, no, maybe jello... At least, another 30 minutes had passed, and we were back in the rain for our final run (this time a 400m at level 5 and a 1200m at level 7, plus a 5 minute cool down). For a few moments, the rain stopped and the sun peeked through. It was quite nice! Then, it was time for our last strength workout for the day, and as we were about to lay down on the ground for our various planks, the skies opened up yet again. We did three sets of side and front planks at 30 seconds for each one. Then, 3 sets of 15 crunches, holding the last one of each set up for 5 seconds. I was really thinking of "mental toughness" when I would lay my head back to rest on the ground between sets and feel the rain splash down on my face.
That was it - 5 1/2 hours after we got in the pool, our workout was done. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired and sore right now! Tomorrow is a rest day, thank goodness!
THIS WEEK'S STATS (Don't judge - I was on vacation!)
Monday: spin 70, run 20 (2 miles)
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday: swim 1:45, about 2800 yards, run 2 miles, lots of strength training
Thursday: none (I had gotten Thursday's swim workout in on Wednesday) (had a massage, though!)
Friday: walk 3.75 miles
Saturday: swim 2500, strength 20 minutes, run 7 miles
Sunday: swim about 2800, spin 90, run 45 (4 miles), lots of strength
BODY CHECK: A little tightness in the back, but it definitely doesn't hurt. Upper back and neck is tight, but definitely not an injury.
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