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Monday, June 9, 2008

Race Plan

I'm supposed to write out my plan for the entire race, so here goes:

DAYS BEFORE RACE: setting up the bags

Swim bag: wetsuit, cap, goggles, body glide, inhaler, powerbar, water bottle, enduralyte

T1 bag: sunscreen, helmet, sunglasses, number belt, gloves, PB & J sandwich, bike jersey (with 2 CO2 cartridges and spare tube in left pocket, extra powerbar, powder, and pills in center pocket, and second enduralyte container and inhaler in right pocket, shoes, socks, towel.

Bike special needs bag: pretzels, pringles, extra bottle with 8 scoops of perpetuem, extra enduralytes, PB & J, body butter, sunscreen, body glide, spare tubes, and CO2 cartridges

T2 bag: sunscreen, hat, shorts, shoes, socks, PB & J, hand-held water bottle with extra pills in pocket, powerbars, full enduralyte container, gels

Run special needs bag: body glide, sunscreen, ice pack, alcis cream, gels, powerbars, extra pills, sportslegs, long sleeve shirt

Finish line bag: sweatpants, tank top, t-shirt, sweatshirt, hat, comfy shoes, recovery drink


* Wake up at 4:00 AM
* Eat oatmeal, banana, glass of water
* Leave at 4:45 AM, get to transition area by 5 AM
* Pump tires, check bike again
* Right before leaving transition area, have powerbar, water, and enduralyte
* Be at swim start by 6:00 AM (warm up is from 6 - 6:15).


* Actually swim to warm up rather than just get wet
* Find corral - 90 minute group
* Focus on long line, staying calm, breathing deeply, don't freak out by what's around you
* Projected time: 90 - 100 minutes


* Move goggles up to head, remove wetsuit to just below hips (there are no strippers there, and suit cannot come off until you are in the tent)
* Find bag, run to tent
* Remove goggles, cap, wetsuit
* Stand on towel for feet to dry while I put on jersey (check pockets), number belt, helmet, sunglasses, gloves, then socks and shoes
* Put on spray sunscreen, grab PB & J, run out to bike while eating
* Projected time: 6 minutes


* Two puffs of inhaler once I'm rolling, another after 4 hours
* I'll try not to go crazy at first, no high perceived exertion
* Consciously breath slowly and deeply on hills
* Think nothing of people passing me; everyone in their own time
* Sip perpetuem and take enduralyte every 20 minutes
* Drink 1 aero bottle of water an hour for normal heat. If excessively hot, increase water, but make sure to also increase enduralytes to 3 pills per bottle.
* Plan to not need special needs bag: get off bike only once - at end of 4th hour to fill new perpetuem bottle (located behind saddle with just powder), switch empty enduralyte container for full one (in pocket)
* If ride is longer than 8 hours, I'll have extra perpetuem and a powerbar (in case I don't feel like taking the time to mix)
* Projected time 8 to 8:30


* Give bike to valet, turn bib number to the front, grab bag, get to tent
* Remove shorts, shoes, socks
* Put on new shorts, socks, shoes
* Remove helmet, gloves, and glasses, put on hat
* Remove contents of pockets and put in powerbars, gels, enduralytes
* Sunscreen again if needed
* Grab water bottle, have a gel on the way out
* Projected time: 6 minutes


* Two puffs of inhaler at start, two more four hours into the run
* Set watch for 4/1 beeper while walking
* Run 4/1, drink water bottle every hour, with enduralyte every 20 minutes
* Alternate powerbar bite and small amounts of gel every 10 minutes
* Brother is going to keep doing math for me at beginning of every loop to help me pace
* Caffeinated gel in last loop only
* When hurting, remember to feel privileged to be healthy enough to be doing what you are doing!
* Projected time: 5:30 - 6:00


Time: 15:15 - 15:59:59 :-)

Fluids: 22 ounces/hour

Bike: Perpetuem: 260 calories/hour
Run: 1/2 clif bar per hour, 1 gel per hour: 210 calories/hour

Bike: 120 mg per hour from enduralytes and 230 mg per hour from perpetuem, so... 350 mg/hour
Run: Enduralytes - 120 mg/hour and Gel - 200 mg/hour, so.... 320 mg/hour


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn!
Hopefully you are sound asleep right now. I hate to admit that this is the first I've read your blog (I didn't realize you were doing this until Bonnie told me). I'm enthralled! I loved reading your "race plan"...sort of like the "birth plans" I had for the boys ;-) I'm wondering, What is 4/1, and...oops now I can't remember my other question. I'll ahve to go back later to look. I hope you see this comment even though it's not on the most recent blog posting.

Is this water temp. as warm as you were expecting? You commented on the waves and the salt content, but not the temp.

Remember, that guy who has done "10 or 11" ironmans started at "1" at some point. That could be you at a marathon, talking to a marathon virgin! It's all relative...

I know you are going to be incredible. You always are!

Love you,

June 19, 2008 at 4:17 PM  

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